Today we ripped this meme not from a blogger but from you, our players and friends. We asked for original questions last week. And did you guys deliver! We believe we've got everyone in the credits. If we missed you, let us know! The star players who submitted questions were: Hooting Anni, Niko, Wendy, Melanie, Ace, Bambie, Zoan, Dixie Chick, Lynette from a Blog from the Rough, The Gal, Katie, Hazel, Me, Mark from An Erie Tapestry, Mamo Ko, Cat, Noelle, Kwizgiver, Shakaku, Catch Her in the Wry, Brandt, Debster, ZH3en22, Americanising Desi and Kathy. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
Sunday Stealing: The Sunday Stealing Players Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. :::Sniff, sniff::: Is there a dog in the house?
Hmmmmm.... Be careful... your mouth is closer to your nose!
2. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
It is better to be quiet and mistaken as dumb, rather than opening your mouth and erasing all doubt.
3. What's the worst experience you've ever had involving alcohol?
Brutal hang-over.
4. What's the worst thing you've ever done to a person?
Lie, maybe. Depends how you define "worst".
5. Who do you think started the concept of memes?
I have no idea.
6. Give a song title or line that describes how you are feeling right now.
You Can't Always Have What You Want.
7. What's your favourite search engine? Yahoo!, Google, Ask, Bing? Or something else?
8. If Paul is the Cute One and John is the Smart One and George is the Quiet One and Ringo is the Funny One, which Beatle are you?
Beatle Bailey :)
9. The Democratic government decides that, not only do we have to share our money with people who choose not to work, we also have to share our children with those who do not want to ruin their bodies with being pregnant. Which child do you give up?
Huh?!? Are you on drugs or something?
10. When should you procrastinate - now or later?
I'll answer this question later.
11. What is your favourite fastfood?
Jollibee, Mango Brutus, and Bigg's Diner (all in the Philippines)
12. What was your favourite game as a child?
Running around, chasing grasshoppers and catching ladybugs and small frogs (during the rainy season).
13. Why terrible twos have to be terrible?
Just because.
14. Describe your favourite family member.
Smart-aleck, with big, round naughty eyes :)
15. What does your favourite breakfast consist of?
When I was still living with my parents, I used to eat full breakfast -- fried rice with whatever is available, eggs (fried or scrambled), fried dried fish, longganisa (Filipino sausages) or hotdogs, downed with hot chocolate or coffee with milk.
16. What food is better after the day it was made?
Chicken-pork adobo, Khmer curries, and many others.
17. What was your last big purchase?
Hmmm, that was a long time ago. A brand-new netbook and accessories.
18. When was the last time you kissed someone and really enjoyed it?
Every single time.
19. Why are there memes?
Because there are people like us who can't resist answering them.
20. Describe yourself in two words.
21. If you were given the option of "do-over" in life... would you take it?
If I'm having a really, really bad day, why not?
22. What movie makes (or has made) you cry? What touched you about it?
Sleepers and The Joy Luck Club - both were a bawl-fest for me :(
23. What is one big mistake that you did in your life? And what did you do to make it right?
This smells so Miss Universe-esque! I have a major, major inkling this is contributed by Miss Philippines? Just kidding.
24. When Life Gives You Lemons, What Do You Do With Them?
I make lemonade!
25. How different are you in real life as compared to the online identity you have created for yourself?
Not much difference.
26. Do you know what your parents have named you if you had been born the opposite sex?
Probably Frederick.
September 12, 2010 at 10:03 PM
Oh my goodness...that first answer is great!!!! You had me rollin'.
My Sunday Stealing is posted too, if you'd like to stop by for a visit.
September 12, 2010 at 10:25 PM
Beatle Bailey- good one.
Have a great rest of your weekend.
Monday Mayhem is back!
September 13, 2010 at 6:35 AM
You got me at "You can't always get what you want..." Great job. Thanks for playing...
October 24, 2010 at 9:45 PM
I love the advice given to you hehe.