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Unconscious Mutterings 011

Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:31 PM Posted by MissusDilis

Here are my mutterings for this week:

  1. Collectors :: annoying
  2. Passion :: strong passion
  3. Winner :: victor
  4. Uninhibited :: open
  5. Challenge :: contest
  6. Self :: ego
  7. Your :: thy
  8. Viewer :: discretion
  9. Random :: sampling
  10. Vice :: versa

3 Response to "Unconscious Mutterings 011"

  1. Stacy Says:

    Enjoyed your answers. Sounds like you are commited and doing well with the diet...much success to you!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Your #9 reminds me of chocolates! Yummy! =)

    =) Have a great Sunday! =)

  3. MissusDilis Says:

    Thanks, Ace. It took a lotta discipline and self-control on my part, and I'm glad my sacrifices are paying off. I can see the difference now :D

    Hi DailyMommy... thanks for your visit :D

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