Happy Mother's Day everyone. I salute all the mothers and fathers, women and men, gays and lesbians, who take on the challenge of mothering children in whatever circumstances.
Today, I'm joining Saturday 9 for the first time so please be kind :D
1. When was the last time that you got jealous?
Honestly, I rarely get jealous, and I don't know why. I think I'm blessed with a husband who doesn't give me any reason to get jealous.
2. At what point do you finally decide it's time to move forward with your life (like, major changes)? How do you know? What do you do?
It's when I feel that things are not doing well as I have envisioned it to be or I'm really getting utterly bored. I ask myself many times and look for signals before pushing that re-set button. I try many different things to see if it works, and if not, it's time to overhaul.
3. When is it time to just let it ('it' can be whatever you choose) go? How do you know? What do you do?
I think it's when you've finally come to terms that there are things in life that aren't meant to be no matter how much you tried making it work.
4. How many times must someone push your buttons before you've just had enough? Why?
I can be very patient and open-minded when the situation needs me to. I'm not easily angered under normal circumstances but when I'm hungry and the weather is too stifling, it doesn't take a lot to make me explode in anger.
5. If I S/O were to cheat on you, could you ever see yourself giving them a second chance? Or a third?
I'd say it will depend on the nature or gravity of the offense. I'm all for giving a second chance though but to me, once the trust is broken it can never be brought back again. A third? I dunno.
6. What was the last thing that someone did that you were very grateful for?
Taking over my chore of walking dogs while I'm under the weather.
7. How much time do you spend online in a given weekday? What about the weekends?
I spend enough time online to accomplish things on weekdays and lesser on weekends. I still have a life, you know.
8. How many online journals/blogs do you read regularly? What are some of your favorites and why?
I visit lots of blogs in my links list but the ones I read, as in read, regularly are of my friends. No need to mention the favorites.
9. What was the last major purchase that you made?
My netbook and its accompanying accessories.
May 9, 2010 at 8:18 AM
I like your answer to #4. Hehe ganun din ako I get so irritable when its scorching hot..And I tend to be really snappy. Lol! Buti na lang I just take it out on Sen who thinks its hilarious whenever I get mad.
May 9, 2010 at 4:07 PM
Hahaha, how lucky are we to have husbands who go extra mile to accommodate our tantrums, ano?
May 10, 2010 at 8:41 AM
Welcome to Saturday 9. Great answers. Being hungry gets me that way as well. But break my trust once pffft you're outta here. Hope you have a great Mothers Day.