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Sunday Stealing 020: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part Two

Today we ripped this meme off a blog written by a group of high school students. The blog is called Eternal Fireworks. The writers are Michael, Kynan, Alex, Kenny, Chris, Leo, Shelley, Athy, Bam, Tina, Bnita, and Athy (yes, there are two). There is no statement to where it came from. But, it was probably stolen from there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. It is a long meme and we shall do it in two parts. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part Two

21. If you were to live your life without your  best friend, what would change?
I lost my best friend when my family moved to the province. I found some new friends but I still was yearning to find my childhood friend. Thanks to Facebook, I recently found her after more than 20 years!

22. Tell us an era of your life that you really miss?
My university life! Most people say their high school life is the best time of their lives but I beg to disagree. I had the time of my life when I was studying in uni.

23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it.
No, not really. I don't let my guard down so easily and I can see danger signals soon enough, before anything nasty is done to me.

24. Do you ever think that it is a good idea to hide your feelings?
Well, there are certainly times that it is best to keep your feelings to yourself.

25. Tell us about your favourite year when you were a student.
That would be 1993 - when I was doing my media internships!

25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it?
Yesterday, it was perfect! We did our usual errands and just stayed at home, chillaxing. And then we got a word from my in-laws about our anniversary present from them! My in-laws rock!

26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend?
No, never. I always thought it would be kind of incestuous. *lol*

27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret.
Picking up a fight with my husband over a silly, silly thing. That was months ago. I'm glad I can control myself now.

28. When did you laughed today?
Just after breakfast, after walking the dogs. My one-year old dog, Joe, had his zooming moment, running around the house like there's no tomorrow and for no reason at all. It lasted for about a minute. My husband said it's the exuberance of youth!

29. Do you trust easily?
No, my walls are always up, especially with strangers.

30. What do you care about that most people would?
Tolerance, I guess.

31. Is it easier for you to go without food or without sleep?
Without food! I am such sleep-hungry, if there's ever a word like that.

32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most?

33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence?
I'm alright but a bit self-conscious as not to make any boo-boos like walking into a glass wall or something.

34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable?
No. It's a subject that was explored when I was in university so we tackled it academically. Outside school, I had friends who are quiet open and candid about sex and it's something that I am not shy when it is being discussed or talked about. I don't, however, volunteer information, unless I'm asked! hahaha

35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way?
I don't. Each of us react differently, depending on our life's experiences, and regardless of sex. And it is also not good to put certain people in a box or label them as so-and-so just because they are behaving this and that.

36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what?
Yeah, we are celebrating a milestone so we had beer last night and probably will be opening a bottle of red tonight =)

37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?
Probably not. I mean, I can, for the longest time, be without meat and all but I would never be a 100% vegetarian. It's because I love fish, shrimps, and other seafoods as well.

38. Do you believe there's always a room in your heart for someone?
Yes, I believe that. The only thing my heart doesn't have a space for is hatred.

39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
Do you believe in souls?

40.  Last week we had a few players criticise our victim's questions. Which is fine to do and we value your opinion. Would you ever consider writing questions for Bud and me to post on Sunday Stealing?
What, and in return I'll be criticised, too? *lol*  Just kidding. Anytime =)

Unconscious Mutterings 020

1:38 PM Posted by MissusDilis 0 comments

  1. Bangs ::
  2. Diaper :: nappy
  3. Coffee table :: I want one
  4. Cops :: police
  5. Matches :: games
  6. 250 :: 1/4kg
  7. Hurricane :: storm
  8. Bad :: evil
  9. Confirmation :: a sacrament
  10. Fiber :: yarn

Saturday 9: Little Miss Can't Be Wrong

1. Who was the last person you dealt with that felt they could never be wrong?
Aaahhh - that would be Missus Bulldozer =)

2. Tell us about one person who is most like you?
My youngest sister -- although she wouldn't care to admit it. We have the same mannerisms, length of hair and cut, her boyfriend once mistook me for her one time. The boyfriend only stopped from sneaking up on me was when he noticed I was shorter. Tee-hee-hee. 

3. What is something you really want right now?
A pint of chocolate ice cream -- anything chocolate!

4. What are you doing this weekend?
Celebrating our wedding anniversary -- we'd probably go out for a fancy dinner somewhere =)

5. Are you in good mood? If yes, why?
Yes I am in good mood. Everything seemed to be running smoothly at home and we just received a present from my in-laws!

6. Do you have an ex that you are pretty sure thinks about you a lot?
No, I don't think so.

7. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
I wish I could watch (foreign) movies on a big screen.

8. What's one trait you hate in a person?

9. What's one thing you like to do alone?
Blogging and reading.

Wordless Wednesday 008: Horses in the city

Seen somewhere along the Sisowath Quay one early morning ...

Sunday Stealing 019: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part One

Today we ripped this meme off a blog written by a group of high school students. The blog is called Eternal Fireworks. The writers are Michael, Kynan, Alex, Kenny, Chris, Leo, Shelley, Athy, Bam, Tina, Bnita, and Athy (yes, there are two). There is no statement to where it came from. But, it was probably stolen from there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. It is a long meme and we shall do it in two parts. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part One
Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
Hmmm... I think I am no sadder now than five months ago.

2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have?

3. Can you sleep in total darkness?|
Surely, it's not a problem.

4. Your phone is ringing. It's the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say?
Hello... isdachu?

5. What do you think about the weather this summer?
It's the rainy season in my side of the planet but it feels like summer. Gah, give us rain!

6. How many people do you trust with everything?
I don't trust easily.

7. What was the last thing you drank?
Coffee with milk... boring?

8. Is there anyone you want to come see you?
Hmmm, nope. None at this moment.

9. Name one thing you love about winter.
I haven't experienced winter yet.

10. Have you ever dated a Goth?
No, but I have met someone who acts like a goat -- he's forever chewing gum! *lol*

11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Not really looking forward --- I got tons of things to do on Monday.

12. Name something you dislike about the day you are having?
As I said, I have lots of things to do and I'm not too keen about it.

13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only?
6 years and counting...

14. What's the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
Got up and went to the toilet.

15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you?

16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with?

17. Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Err, nope.

18. Do you think things will change 3 months from now? How?
Everything changes. You just observe.

19. Do you believe you never know what you got until you lose it?
Not at all times.

20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Hmmm... about what?

Unconscious Mutterings 019

6:56 PM Posted by MissusDilis 1 comments

  1. Leads :: intro for news
  2. Concierge :: hotel front desk
  3. Thousand :: M
  4. Engines :: machines
  5. Argument :: debate
  6. 2006 :: MMVI
  7. Knot :: twine
  8. Fuck :: you
  9. Handsome :: attractive
  10. Ridge :: cliff

Sunday Stealing 018: The Crafty Meme, Part Two

Today we ripped this meme off a blog named Creative Bold. There is no statement to where it came from. But, it was probably stolen from there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. It is a long meme and we shall do it in two parts. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Crafty Fifty Meme, Part Two
Cheers to all of us thieves!

26. What do you normally smell like?

27. Do you like Carrie  Underwood?
I'm not a fan of country music.

28. Been to "The Vegas"?
I haven't been to the USA.

29. How far away do you live from your parents?
I'd say not that far as we live in the same continent, albeit different countries.

30. Are you happy with your job?
I no longer work but if you ask me about the last job I had... yes, I was happy for the first twelve months and then things turned upside-down and I was frustrated so I quit.

31. Where do you work and what do you do there?
I was the Research Manager for a rural ICT (Information and Communication Technology) project funded by a Canadian research organisation. The idea is to collaborate with the Cambodian government, private companies and individuals, NGOs, academia, and local communities in designing a participatory approach to implement universal access to ICTs. As the RM I led the project teams in undertaking participatory researches and monitoring and evaluation of project activities in the communities, making sure that participatory approaches, methods, and processes were in place and were properly documented.

32. What did you get in the mail today?
An official Postcrossing postcard from Finland! It's the first postcard from Finland that I received that has no snow in it =)

33. How do you like your steak cooked?
Well done, thank you.

34. Britney Spears... is she back?
Isn't she? I dunno.

35. What do you usually order at Taco Bell?
We don't have Taco Bells in Phnom Penh. But do you want to know what I usually order at the Mt. Everest (an Indian) restaurant here?

36. Have you ever sat all the way through Gone with the Wind?
No, haven't seen the film at all.

37. Have you ever been to Mt. Rushmore?
No, but I have been a Missus Rushworth for nearly 3 years now... how's that?

38. Is it just me, or was The Marine (with John Cena) a really horrible movie?
Can't say... I haven't watched that movie.

39. Are surveys like the cocaine of myspace?

40. Where is your favourite place (that you actually have been to)?
Lots and it's here in Asia =)

41. What is your favourite candle scent?

42. Do you believe places can really be haunted?
I usually am skeptical about this but I don't also discount the possibility that places, even objects, can be haunted.

43. Do you smoke cigarettes?
No, but I tried hookah twice just out of curiosity  =)

44. Have you ever been to NYC or LA?
Gah, I just said I've never been to USA!!!

45. How many states have you been to where all you saw was the airport?

46. Do you think 50 questions is enough?
I think 50 questions are too much!

47. Are you currently planning a trip!
Yes, yes, yo!

48. Is Ryan Seacrest gay? Should anyone care?
I don't know and I don't care. His sexuality is his own business.

49. Do you take anti-depressants? Sleeping pills?
No, not at all, and I don't have any trouble sleeping.

50. What do you think about space travel?
It's amazing how our technology have made it possible for anyone who can afford to travel into space... it would be cool to see what's out there with your very own eyes and a once in a lifetime experience. However, if you ask me, I don't think I'd go. It costs a looooooot of money and could also be very dangerous.

Unconscious Mutterings 018

5:39 PM Posted by MissusDilis 0 comments

  1. Rhythm :: music, dance
  2. Baby :: Mama
  3. Sanctimonious :: pretentious, hypocrite
  4. I like :: chocolates
  5. Constipated :: restricted
  6. Sleep late :: weekend
  7. Over easy ::  eggs
  8. Erratic :: problematic
  9. Umbrella :: protection
  10. You don’t :: tell me what to do or not do

Saturday 9: Superstition

Hi... It's been a while since I last joined o this week I am back for Saturday 9. Hope friends will find me again here.

Here goes this week's Saturday 9 Meme:

1. What are you superstitious about?
I think as an Asian it is typical for me to be superstitious. And there's a lot of stuffs - from crossing paths with a black cat to not spending money on the first day of the new year! *lol*

2. What's the story behind one of your scars?
A story about how I learned how to ride a bicycle the hard way.

3. What are the three things you would rather be doing right now?
Cuddling with the husband, watching sappy movies, and eating junk food in bed!

4. What do you do when you're bored?
Eat, blog, and sleep - not necessarily in this order.

5. What's your favorite thing to do? Why?
I love to be alone. Don't get me wrong, I like being with friends and family but it is when I am alone when I get my mind cleared and many things are done.

6. What do you do when you're lonely?
If my husband is at work/unavailable, I call up my friends and we go out.

7. How do you measure the passing of time in life?
Through the number of my nieces and nephews and seeing them grow up

8. What constitute the "perfect lived day" for you?
Don't know -- haven't had one yet.

9. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do in your final days?
I'll try to live the whole year and do all the things I have listed in my bucket list.

I'm still here, just lying low

If you know me all too well, you would know why I haven't updated the past few days.

The ATP Rogers Cup in Toronto is underway! Finally, after more than a month of waiting since the Wimbledon championships, we now have photos and presses and tennis action from mi amore Rafael Nadal. Never mind the time difference between Toronto and Phnom Penh tee-hee-hee. And the Canadian press are totally in love with Rafa:
Toronto’s snarled Friday afternoon rush-hour traffic?
No problem when you’re the world’s best tennis player — and an international heartthrob — in town for the Rogers Cup.

Photo Source: The Rogers Cup Photos - Official Draw with Rafael Nadal
The tournament kicked off with Rafa participating in the tournament draw held at the CN tower. Prior to this, my friend Ana sent me a link to the site. It is Tennis Canada's site promoting the live webcast of the tournament's draw with Rafa in attendance. And it got me excited --- I wondered what kind of Rafa action was going to happen (aside from taking part in the draw, of course)? Will he jump off the CN tower afterwards?

Anyways, Rafa did appear but no jumping off the tower happened. He was given a hockey shirt (looks good on him but not really the kind of shirt we want to see on him, do we?hihihih) and a mini-replica of the the CN tower. After the draw, he was whisked away by a helicopter and taken to the York University's Rexall Centre, the site of Rogers Cup, for a practice session.

Photo Source: Fan photos from the Rogers Cup
Okay, I've gotten over the initial surprise about Rafa's teaming up with Novak Djokovic for the doubles matches. According to tennis record books, Rafa-Nole (coined by the press as Rafole), it is only the second time in tennis history that the #1 and #2 players have teamed up - the first was in 1976 with Jim Connors teaming up with Arthur Ashe. But Rafole was denied a win by the young Canadian team. Despite missing the match (I spent hours and hours looking for a live webcast) I agree with Ana that although the Rafole team up created quite an excitement and huge interest, the first round loss was a blessing in disguise so that the two could better concentrate on their singles games.

After the pair's first round loss, are we going to see them again as doubles partner in the future? That remains to be seen. Can't wait for Rafa to play  his first round match tomorrow, 6.30am Phnom Penh time. It is going to be a sleep-deprivation week for Ana and I, but for sure, seeing Rafa's smile and dimples popping in and out -- and a win --  will be enough to get us both through the week.

SundayStealing 017: The Crafty Fifty Meme, Part One

Sunday, August 8, 2010 3:05 PM Posted by MissusDilis 2 comments

Today we ripped this meme off a blog named Creative Bold. There is no statement to where it came from. But, it was probably stolen from there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. It is a long meme and we shall do it in two parts. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Crafty Fifty Meme, Part One
Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Introduce yourself.
My name is ZJ and this is my blog.

5. Did you ever get into a bar and drink before you were 21?
I had my first drink before I was 21, but not at a bar. I just turned 20, just completed my thesis, and celebrating the news that we made it to the graduating students list! So we bought drinks and had a party in our boarding-house =)

6. What countries have you been to?
Hmm, a returning question but I'll answer anyway. Been to Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Laos, Hongkong, Szhenzen (China), Japan, and Nepal, and I'm living in Cambodia.

7. Do you watch MTV anymore?
Not anymore.

8. What do you think of Oprah?
A filthy rich and powerful woman.

10. You need a new pair of jeans: what store do you go first?
I wait till I go home and buy jeans in the Philippines. And I go to a jeans store, of course, not a hardware store.

11. Did you ever watch the O.C.?
No, I didn't.

12. What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive but we have Paige, a 1987 Mitsubishi Pajero.

13. Honestly, is that car insured?
It was a second (third-fourth, you guess) -hand car. Previously owned by a German attache here in Cambodia, I assume it was insured. But not anymore.

14. Do you like sushi?

15. Have you been to Tiffany and Co. or Saks 5th Ave.?
I've never been to US yet.

16. Did your parents spoil you when you were growing up?
No, but my grandparents did :)

17. Do you like roller coasters?
Let me get on in one first and I'll tell you later.

18. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly/subscribe to?
I don't buy or subscribe... everything's available online anyway.

19. Do you remember the old WB show "Popular"?
Naah, never heard of that.

20. When you go out do you prefer to go to a dance club or to a bar?
Depends on the mood.

21. What do you think about gay marriage?
This question is so Miss USA!

22. Who do you think will be the next president?
Do you mean, US President? No idea. Not Palin, I hope.

23. Are you registered to vote?

24. Do you own an iPAD?
No, and I don't have the itch to get one.

25. If your bathroom filled with beauty stuffs?
Tons of toilet papers = beauty stuffs? I don't think so.

Unconscious Mutterings 017

12:51 PM Posted by MissusDilis 1 comments

  1. Coma :: unconscious, brain injury
  2. Aristotle :: Philosopher, social thinker
  3. Pink eye :: sore eyes, contagious
  4. Expensive ::can't afford
  5. Dancer :: ballet
  6. Lipstick :: luscious red
  7. Buffer :: shield
  8. Stilettos :: killer-heels
  9. Booming :: flourishing
  10. Rap :: hip-hop

Wordless Wednesday 007: Thingamabobs

Some of the items that scream to tourists who flock the Russian Market in Phnom Penh.

For more Wordless entries, please click on the logo.

Sunday Stealing 016: 28 Questions Meme

Monday, August 2, 2010 2:52 PM Posted by MissusDilis 4 comments

Acck. I'm late, but here it is anyway :/

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Keerawa of the blog named We All Live Lives of Quiet Fantasy. Keerawa explains that he ripped it from Frack 412. (Those LJ bloggers do have interesting names.) But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Since the meme had more than the usual repetitive questions that we've grown to love, we were challenged to altered quite a few questions. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: 28 Question Meme

1. Was your dad named after anyone?

2. What do you think is the minimal age to get married?
I don't think marriage is about age.

3. What's the longest time that you've been involved with the same person?
5 years and still counting...

4. What actor/actress do you consider hot at the moment?
Not a movie actor but I find Spanish pro-tennis player Rafael Nadal hot!

5. What is your favourite album  by a band?
Elephunk by Black Eyed Peas

6. What is your favourite album  by an individual artist?
The Essential Bob Dylan

7. What is something that you'd rather be a bit dirty?
My shoes and my car from trekking and road-trip, respectively.

8. What was the last TV show that you watched?
Don't Tell My Mother... (a NatGeo Adventure show)

9. How many people have you met from the blogosphere? Who are they?
I've met a number of bloggers in person. They are Allan, Toe, Kazumi, Miki'sTrips, J-B-L-O-G-G-E-D, Bonangskie, Mumsified, PinayMum, PinayWifeSpeaks... I might have forgotten two more..

10. What's your philosophy on life?
Live and let live.

11. Do you think prescription drugs are over prescribed?
Some drugs are, yes.

12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was for my best interest?
I don't think so. I am lousy at keeping secrets.

13. What is your favourite memory in the last year?
Hmmm, still thinking...

14. What is your favourite guilty pleasure?

15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you.
I was a gymnast - this interesting enough?

16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the "world peace"etc. malarky) - what are they?
 Half a million dollars savings, a nice cottage house somewhere in the Pyrenees region, and an ankle-biter or two. Yes, in this order, too.

17. Who would you want to get together with and make a cake?
You mean cake as in food? hahahha. Of course, with my nieces and nephew. They're my favorite small people in the world! *lol*

18. Which country is your spiritual home?
I live in my own world.

19. What is your big weakness?
Food, especially #14!

20. Do you think Judd Corizan is a good person?
Errrrmmm, Judd who?

21. What was your best/favourite subject in school?
Social Studies and English

22. Describe your accent:
My own Filipino accent.

23. If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
I would.

24. What do you wear to sleep?
Oversized shirt and short-shorts

25. What is your favourite casual outfit to wear?
Jeans and  shirt

26. Do you use cigarettes or alcohol?
I don't smoke but I do drink occasionally.

27. If only I had one day to live, what would we do together? If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me.
I'll take you to the street food corners of Phnom Penh for a delightful food trip.

28. Rate the memes that you play generally. Use any scale or just in order.
I love memes, especially the photo  memes. Wordless Wednesday and Photo Hunt tops my list!

Unconscious Mutterings 016

Sunday, August 1, 2010 4:16 PM Posted by MissusDilis 3 comments

Here are my mutterings for this week:

  1. Sexting :: mobile porn
  2. Corrected :: edited
  3. Rewind :: look back
  4. Heard :: rumour
  5. Amazon :: jungle
  6. Running :: marathon
  7. Illegal :: outlawed
  8. Tracked :: monitored
  9. Generate :: create
  10. Towel :: cotton